Maine OCFS RMS Training (Page 5 of 12)
How the process works, a more detailed answer (cont'd).
I am a supervisor. How does this impact me?
Supervisors will participate in three ways. If an employee fails to respond to a sample, then a follow up Email is sent to the employee and copied to the supervisor.
In response to that Email you may contact the employee and urge them to respond. If the employee is on leave or has left the agency, then you can click the link in the Email and respond
on behalf of the employee. Additionally, if the employee has left the agency, please 'Reply' to the Email and note that the employee has left the agency.
The Rms system administrators will remove the employee from the system.
Secondly, if you are a supervisor then from time to time you will receive a 'Response Confirmation' email. This occurs for only a few sample responses every quarter.
You will click the link in the Email and a web page will display the response to a specific sample. You are asked to review the response to determine if the response is 'reasonable' or not.
If the response is reasonable you click the 'Confirm' button for it. If not, then you will click the 'Deny' button and enter a brief description
of your concerns over that worker's response.
To 'Review' the response we're not asking you to do an in depth study of the response. Consider obvious high level things such as:
- Was the worker at work that day?
- Does the worker engage in that kind of work?
- Or perhaps did they pick 'Lunch' at a peculiar time of day?
Lastly, once a quarter, after the end of the quarter, the supervisors will receive an Email with a link to a report of how their workers have responded during the quarter.
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